This file is part of EC-CUBE
Copyright(c) EC-CUBE CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.
For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
file that was distributed with this source code.
{% extends 'default_frame.twig' %}
{% block main %}
<div class="ec-role">
<div class="ec-pageHeader">
<h1>{{ '会社概要'|trans }}</h1>
{% if BaseInfo.message|default is not empty %}
ごあいさつ<br />
<dd>{{ BaseInfo.message|nl2br }}</dd>
{% endif %}
<div class="ec-off1Grid">
<div class="ec-off1Grid__cell">
<div class="ec-borderedDefs">
{% if BaseInfo.shop_name|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__shop_name">
<label class="ec-label">{{ '商号'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ BaseInfo.shop_name }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.seturitu|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__seturitu">
<label class="ec-label">{{ '設立年月日'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ BaseInfo.seturitu }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.company_name|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__company_name">
<label class="ec-label">{{ '会社名'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ BaseInfo.company_name }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.postal_code|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__address">
<label class="ec-label">{{ '本社所在地'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ '〒'|trans }}{{ BaseInfo.postal_code }}<br />
{{ BaseInfo.pref }}{{ BaseInfo.addr01 }}{{ BaseInfo.addr02 }}<br />
{{ 'TEL'|trans }}{{ BaseInfo.phone_number }} {{ 'FAX'|trans }}{{ BaseInfo.fax_no }}
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.fd_addr01|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__address">
<label class="ec-label">{{ '現地管理事務所'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ '〒'|trans }}{{ BaseInfo.zip_no }}<br />
{{ BaseInfo.fd_addr01 }}<br />
{{ 'TEL'|trans }}{{ BaseInfo.fd_telno }} {{ 'FAX'|trans }}{{ BaseInfo.fd_faxno }}
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.email01|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__email01">
<label class="ec-label">{{ 'メールアドレス'|trans }}</label>
<a href="mailto:{{ BaseInfo.email01 }}">{{ BaseInfo.email01}}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.fd_gyoumu|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__fd_gyoumu">
<label class="ec-label">{{ '業務内容'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ BaseInfo.fd_gyoumu }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.fd_takken|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__fd_takken">
<label class="ec-label">{{ '宅建業免許'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ BaseInfo.fd_takken }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.fd_shihon|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__fd_shihon">
<label class="ec-label">{{ '資本金'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ BaseInfo.fd_shihon|nl2br }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.fd_employee|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__fd_employee">
<label class="ec-label">{{ '従業員数'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ BaseInfo.fd_employee|nl2br }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.fd_daihyou|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__fd_daihyou">
<label class="ec-label">{{ '代表取締役'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ BaseInfo.fd_daihyou|nl2br }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.fd_bank|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__fd_bank">
<label class="ec-label">{{ '取引銀行'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ BaseInfo.fd_bank|nl2br }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.fd_group|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__fd_group">
<label class="ec-label">{{ '加入団体'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ BaseInfo.fd_group|escape|nl2br }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.fd_other|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__fd_other">
<label class="ec-label">{{ 'その他'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ BaseInfo.fd_other|escape|nl2br }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.business_hour|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__business_hour">
<label class="ec-label">{{ '店舗営業時間'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ BaseInfo.business_hour }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% if BaseInfo.good_traded|default is not empty %}
<dl id="help_about_box__good_traded">
<label class="ec-label">{{ '取り扱い商品'|trans }}</label>
<dd>{{ BaseInfo.good_traded|nl2br }}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}